Reference Binders
The first link is the Adobe Reader if you do not already have it installed on your machine.
The Following is a list of items that will help you get settled into your Tae Kwon Do Classes here at Pil-Sung:
Please read thoroughly and be familiar with all three documents.
Please add these items as your first items in your Binder along with the ones listed above, policy & Binder Requirements
Student Reference Binders:
Students (1 per family) are expected to obtain a 1” or larger three-ring binder. Students should keep all curriculum-based handouts in this binder for reference. In addition, other documentation for study will be provided, including information on history and the philosophies of martial arts and Tae Kwon Do. The binder may be brought to class or kept at home. Binders will be checked quarterly at Pre-Testing to make sure they are current. Students whose binders are not current will not receive their testing notice. Items that must be in your binder: all forms and self-defense requirements up to your rank, Rank Requirements, School and Tae Kwon Do Program Rules, etc.
Tae Kwon Do Curriculum - Geup